Baptist Women's Educational Convention
The Baptist Women's Educational Convention
an auxiliary of General Association of Baptist In Kentucky
Rev. Dr. Michael Rice, Moderator
Baptist Women’s Educational Convention (BWEC) 2023 – 2024 OFFICER LIST
Sis. Veronica Sharber Buckner, President
Sister Cynthia Zellars, 1st Vice President
2nd VP = Vacant
3rd VP = Vacant
Sister Patricia Ballard, Corresponding Secretary
Sister Monica Tucker, Treasurer
Sister Bobbie Livingston, Financial Secretary
Sister Fannie Leslie, Historian
Sister Mary Mitchell-Adderton
Sister Ria Chandler
Sister Anna Allen Edwards
Sister Paulette Jones
Sister Paula McCraney
Sister Nan Potter
Sister Sandra Price
Sister Marcia Johnson, Executive Board Secretary
Images of the Baptist Women's Educational Convention (select the image to enlarge)